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Adrian Ho, ChFC (M), EMFP, AEPP, RFP

Consultant and Trainer - Financial Planning 

Adrian is a consultant and certified trainer in personal finance. He graduated from University Malaya with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and as a former scholar of the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM), Adrian joined the insurance industry upon graduation and has more than twenty (20) years of experience within the industry. As a Certified Trainer of the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC), he has been conducting the Registered Financial Planner (RFP) programme since its inception in 2004 and was also appointed by the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) to conduct the RFP Train-the-Trainer sessions for the insurance industry. He is also certified by the Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) and Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM) as a Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Trainer for the PRS industry. Apart from his speaking engagements, he has written series of articles on personal financial management topics for the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) as well as AgensiKaunseling dan PengurusnKredit (AKPK). He was instrumental in the concept development and writing of a book for AKPK entitled: “POWER! managing your debts effectively”.



Executive Masters in Financial Planning [EMFP] - Open University Malaysia

Associate of Estate Planning Practitioner [AEPP] - Estate Planning Practitioners Limited (Singapore)

Shariah Registered Financial Planner [ShRFP] - Malaysian Financial Planning Council

Registered Financial Planner [RFP] - Malaysian Financial Planning Council

Chartered Life Underwriter [CLU (M)] - Malaysian Insurance Institute/ American College

Chartered Financial Consultant [ChFC (M)] - Malaysian Insurance Institute/ American College

Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting [B.Acc. (Hons.)] - University of Malaya

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